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PSP support: much more than a contact form!

Written by HiPay Team | Jun 7, 2023 3:12:04 PM

Collecting data, securing user journeys, making shopping experiences more fluid... These aspects of e-commerce are more crucial than ever, in response to the many challenges facing e-tailers. The need to ensure that payments are as secure and compliant as possible, innovation and development to enhance the attractiveness of platforms, and the importance of being able to concentrate with complete peace of mind on their core business are all decisive factors. 

Payment service providers (PSPs) are at the heart of the process of striking the right balance between the need for protection and the quality of the user experience. But merchants still need to be given the support they need to meet the challenges they face, so that they can be effective without overburdening their processes.

A personalized, end-to-end support approach is the key to success when it comes to payment management. This enables us to provide online merchants with in-depth analyses to establish profile typologies based on customer data and their context. 

"We hold workshops with our customers to this end. Depending on their feedback, the settings linked to these profiles are likely to evolve, with more permissive or more restrictive rules. The scoring we use to make the best security decisions enables us to offer optimal transaction management", stresses François Ribot, Business Development Manager at HiPay.

Above all, he adds, "technology is nothing without effective, tailored monitoring over time. Our support takes into account the integration of the various tools, as well as monitoring to ensure optimum control of them, and the implementation of relevant KPIs, particularly with a view to seeking optimization."


Business experts at the service of online merchants

In practical terms, at HiPay, each merchant has a dedicated Account Manager. It's not just a question of using a contact form, but of being able to call on the expertise of an available member of staff who is always ready to answer the merchant's questions and make suggestions. "The aim is to achieve the best possible conversion rate. That's why we carry out regular business reviews to analyze the merchant's flows and make the best possible recommendations," he continues.

Technical support is another important human factor at HiPay. Here again, the availability of a Technical Account Manager (TAM) is invaluable for merchants. The aim is to help them with integration. Indeed, PSPs are often interwoven with a number of other players, such as CMSs, POS software agencies and other service providers. "TAMs then make themselves available to simplify integration across the entire ecosystem. If the relationship with the merchant changes, for example if the merchant wishes to entrust us with the management of a new payment process, the Technical Account Manager is on hand to ensure that the integration process is a success", explains François Ribot.

One of HiPay's strengths is the expertise provided by other specialists, such as the Risk Analysis Managers who help merchants to set up anti-fraud profiles. BI experts can also help merchants to analyze their data and manage their business. 

By operating in a wide range of verticals, HiPay is able to offer its customers the benefit of a wealth of know-how and experience, taking advantage of the problems they have already encountered, whether in terms of technical integration or choices relating to the fight against fraud, while of course respecting the confidentiality of each client company's data.

Finally, onboarding is another crucial aspect.

"We are required by regulatory authorities such as the ACPR to guarantee very strict procedures in this area. Naturally, we have to comply with the regulations and provide technological solutions that guarantee compliance", says François Ribot.

HiPay offers an onboarding platform that enables faster integration, thanks to the automated collection of supporting documents, for example.

From the moment you enter into a relationship, and throughout the customer lifecycle, HiPay supports you at every stage by putting people at the center of your payment strategy.

Our experts are at your disposal for more information.