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For end-to-end technical support, with a human touch above all

New technologies create unique opportunities for merchants’ developments and optimization of payment management. However, they need to be integrated to meet the specific needs of each player involved. This is where Technical Account Managers (TAMs) are recognized for their insights.

At HiPay, our support is human above all. That’s why the dozen of experts that make up our Support team are committed to maintaining a close relationship with our clients to avoid the common pitfalls of automated support services.

The TAM is a technical conductor whose primary goal is to identify the merchant’s exact needs and bring expertise that suits their priorities. Once the entire project has been structured and the collaboration has begun, they provide the required elements to implement the solution, including the technical documentation, available online on the Support Center or the Developer portal. They also give integration advice, and carry out tests in controlled stage environments. “We are here throughout the relationship with the merchant. The launch is, of course, a key step to gather all the details on their technical expectations. Then, we help them implement the solution, and provide ongoing support, including any upgrades that may be needed over time”, explains Angelo Da Veiga, Technical Group Support Manager at HiPay.

Moreover, the TAMs stay in touch with other HiPay experts for various tasks, such as creating accounts or integrating different payment methods. In other words, they oversee the many subjects that demand technical knowledge. “If a merchant decides to offer Apple Pay, we explain how the solution will be implemented on a technical level with the necessary contract. Once the first tests have been completed, we guide them until it is live. A project such as this one is not necessarily planned from the very beginning, but can come up after a while, depending on how the client’s developments evolve”, explains Angelo Da Veiga.


A technical response for every merchant

Although the main purpose of the TAMs is to provide guidance and support, they may have to become more involved directly. If the merchant agrees, they could, for example, check setups or lines of code, without generating any code per se.

Their availability is central to the relationship. They mainly communicate through emails or video calls, but they also attend business reviews, where they summarize the technical issues that need to be addressed. In any case, merchants are guaranteed a tailored support from a dedicated expert. “Of course, we adapt our availability depending on the need and the specificities of each merchant, while providing expertise that meets the requirements. It is important for TAMs to know what type of merchant they are dealing with. Smaller players do not necessarily have the same technical and human resources as larger companies, and that calls for a customized approach”, says Angelo Da Veiga. Indeed, TAMs are meant to guide all merchants, and do not replace their technical teams, with whom they work very closely.

The integration times of merchants can vary: they may take a few weeks, or much longer for continuous integration. In this case, improvements are systematically made as part of weekly feedback. Moreover, please note that an on-call TAM is available 24/7, and that an answer from our Support team is guaranteed within 15 minutes.

Tools and dashboards using graphs and real-time statistics are made available to analyze the business progress and ensure smooth operation. Some solutions also allow the Support team to monitor Support statistics, such as the first response time, the quality of communications gathered with a dedicated questionnaire, etc.

To ensure the quality and relevance of our support and guidance provided to our merchants, TAMs cooperate with the other HiPay experts, such as the Risk team members, the Account Managers or the technical development specialists in Nantes. This allows them to come forward with interesting technical suggestions that align with the merchants' requirements and issues. The Sales team may also ask for their help, as they can deal with prospects seeking technical clarification on features, or on the feasibility of certain projects.

For Angelo Da Veiga, “as TAMs, it is crucial to have an all-around expertise and to understand a multitude of subjects. If the merchant has a poor success rate linked to a payment method, we must be able to translate the problem into technical terms.”

Whether it is to test an integration or handle a wide variety of technical projects, TAMs are always available to provide tailored end-to-end guidance and support to all our merchants!

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