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Five payment trends to follow in 2021


In: News

Managing your increasing ecommerce sales: SantéDiscount's testimonial

Covid-19 is a particularly stressful situation for e-merchants. What this time and lockdowns have taught us, however, is that it's essential to know how to pivot.

In this article, we'll share our advice for adapting your business during the Covid-19 pandemic. You'll also see how SantéDiscount responded to heavy demands for its e-commerce business during the first lockdown.

Finally, we'll see how your payment provider should be supporting you during this difficult period.

Ecommerce is booming

In: Fraud

IN-STORE DIGITAL EXPERIENCE - Can Unified Commerce Attract Customers?


Hosted Page V2: Payment Page Hosting as a Conversion Driver

The payment step, and consequently your payment page, is the most sensitive part the purchasing process. According to a Statista study on buying behavior, around 21% of buyers abandon their shopping carts when the payment process is too long or complex.

American Express : An opportunity for e-merchants

AMEX is the world's 4th largest acceptance network after Union Pay, Visa and Mastercard, and contrary to what its name implies, there are American Express cardholders all over the world.

Unified Commerce : a solution to answer consumers' needs

The pandemic is accelerating the digitalization of points of sale, making it necessary rethink the shopping experience you offer your customers. During lockdown, e-commerce came to the rescue and offset the closure of physical stores. Consumers were able to test new, unified buying experiences, and the feedback has been appreciative and accepting.