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PSD2: to better manage fraud and improve the payment process

In 2021, the e-commerce sector in France recorded a 15.1% increase in turnover1. This strong growth is not without consequences for e-merchants: at the same time, on a global scale, payment fraud has generated more than 6% loss of revenue for 38% of merchants2. This is a real loss of revenue that the PSD2 intends to remedy via strong authentication.

In: Fraude

In-store shopping – the little things that make all the difference

While online business has undergone exponential growth for several years, outstripping physical points-of-sale, shops are not to be outdone. This was confirmed by the 2021 State of Retail study, which found that twice as many stores were opening as closing.

Screens, QR Codes, Cookies – Tech in Shopping Experience

We see new ideas for the customer experience play out every year – this is particularly true of the buying experience. From true innovation to straightforward optimization, understanding how to harness new technology has become vital for businesses wanting to position themselves at the forefront of the unified commerce concept!

In: Articles

A digital portrait of online buyers in France

With spending at over €130 billion in 2021 (an increase of 16% compared to 2020), things are looking good – great, even –for French e-commerce. According to the French organisation FEVAD (Federation of E-commerce and Distance Selling), 81% of French internet users now buy online, putting France in second place in the European market, after the UK.

What profiles do these consumers have? How do they behave online? Which are the latest trends to follow? Let’s find out with our digital portrait of online buyers in France!

In: Articles

3 payment solutions that will boost your sales


2022: Unified commerce at the center of new customer experiences

The pandemic was a catalyst for new trends. It confirmed the need for businesses to put sales systems in place with the capacity to handle both growing consumer needs and economic disruption. Stock shortages, the closure of physical points of sale, changes in buying behaviors – the move towards unified commerce is increasingly becoming more than just a business priority – it’s a necessity!

In: Articles